St. Francis Solanus Catholic School
Mission Statement:
It is the mission of St. Francis Solanus School to provide the highest quality of Catholic Education of the whole child. Our mission is accomplished within a secure environment that is in partnership with our parents, parish, and community. Sensitized to societal and cultural influences, we strive to enhance each student’s desire and motivation to learn, enlivened by faith, love and respect, growing and developing gifts to full potential.
Since 1885...
For more than a century, St. Francis Solanus School has been in existence; the only non-tuition Catholic School in all of Sawyer County. Our non-tuition school encounters volunteerism. Also, it depends predominately on donations.
St. Francis Solanus School offers a complete Pre-K-8 curriculum that includes both academic and religious formation. Grades Pre-K-8 are contained in five classrooms (Pre-K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6, 7-8).
St. Francis Solanus School is fully accredited. Our curriculum is exciting and challenging. Embracing both basics and educational innovations, it incorporates morals, values and academics.
St. Francis Solanus School aims to:
Maintain a strong academic program of the basic skills which will enable each child to achieve success according to his/her own capabilities and thus prepare the child to assume a responsible position in adult life.
- Create an atmosphere enlivened by the Gospel spirit of freedom and charity, in which the child experiences Christian living and brings these experiences to the home and community.
- Guide in the formation of the total human person, including moral, intellectual, emotional and social growth, so that each child will become all that God has called him/her to be.
- Develop students’ positive self-image and a sense of self-worth.
- Promote a spirit of self-discipline and responsibility whereby the student, guided by Christian principles, will make right choices and be self-directed.
School Goals
 Each St. Francis Solanus Student will...
- Witness one’s true faith through Christian example.
- Treat others with dignity and respect
- Accept responsibility for own actions.
- Be self-directed learners.
- Work collaboratively.
- Think critically to solve problems.
- Produce quality work.
- Express creativity.
- Master basic skills.
"Go then, to all peoples everywhere and
make them my disciples...and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you."
Matthew 28: 19-20
With these words Christ commissioned his Apostles and their successors to carry the Gospel message to all people as part of the Church, the Catholic School shares this mission.
Grounded in the Gospel message and Catholic tradition, St. Francis Solanus School is a caring, Christ-centered community. By studying the basic facts of our Faith, students form the foundation by which moral judgments can be made.
We recognize the importance of integrating religious truths and values with life experiences. Our teachers are expected to become positive role models by example in both their professional and private lives, fostering a consistent Christian education.
Participate in the future!
